Category Archives: Drinking Water

Pros & Cons of Bottleless Water Dispensers for Office Breakrooms

Drinking plenty of water each day is an important part of everyone’s overall physical health. For office and building managers, ensuring that break rooms are properly stocked with water is very important. One option to consider when looking for a water alternative is to invest in bottleless water coolers. There are various pros & cons […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Using a Bottleless Water Cooler

Water is the source of all life on Earth. As such, most business owners understand that they must provide fresh, clean water for their employees to access throughout the day. Not only is it expected, but it will keep people well hydrated and more on task as a result. Benefits of a Bottleless Watercooler Providing […]

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Plastic Water Pollution and Our Environment

Plastic has been a plague on the environment since its inception. In the US alone, 35 billion empty water bottles are thrown away each year. To break this down, 60 million empty water bottles are thrown away every single day. In 2015, roughly 70% of used plastic water bottles were not recycled. These bottles end up […]

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Does Fluoride in Tap Water Affect Your Health?

For decades, fluoride has been added to municipal tap water in communities across the United States. The discovery that it could be used to help prevent tooth decay and make dental care a less significant expense for American families led many to applaud this development. However, later research suggested there may be some hazards presented […]

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What Makes Purified Water Different from Filtered Water?

When it comes to your water, you likely want to be doing everything possible to ensure it’s clean and safe for use in cooking, cleaning and bathing. In your search for better water, you’ve probably come across a number of options for improving your water quality, including water dispensing systems that tout their use of […]

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